No Reins
No Reins
my life with horses
8:06 AM, The New Plan - Exciting news!
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hey, guys! I've been enjoying Spring as I hope you've all been doing as well. This post is mostly going to be about my future plans and where exactly I'm going with my horsemanship as of right now.
I've really been struggling with having to choose between giving my horsemanship my full attention by attempting to make it my lifestyle and career or going to college and working. I am the kind of person who needs to focus on whatever I'm doing so attempting both at the same time isn't an option right now.

This is where the exciting news comes into play... As of 5/14/09 I am an Official GED Graduate. (:

I am very excited to have this completed and out of the way so that now I can proceed with my short-term plan by going to driver's ed, acquiring my learner's permit and going on to college.

My plan for now is to put my horsemanship on the back burner, take all of my undergraduate courses at Wake Tech Community College while I really focus on voice and singing. Just to let you know a little more on that.. Horses and singing are pretty much my life and they have always been the two things that just really bring out the life in me. I am in voice lessons and my amazing voice coach was honored with a scholarship to Meredith college in Raleigh, NC.
We've discussed my chances of receiving a scholarship for voice and she thinks I have a good shot, so I've decided to go for it!

I know that there is a lot of work involved, especially trying to balance singing, horses, school and you know, being a normal teenager. But I feel like once I've gone to college and worked and saved that when I come back to my horsemanship with everything under my belt, I'll be able to give it my full focus and everything that I have.

I've prayed and prayed and asked everyone close to me for their thoughts on this and I really feel that this is the right thing to do, the right path for me to take. I will try to keep my horses and just be with them and play with them as much as possible during all of these changes but, it depends on finances at this point. It's just a wait and see kind of issue.

I would love all of my reader's support and thoughts concerning my decision, especially those horsemen/women who know me. So, please shoot me an e-mail with some feedback; whether it be advice, support or anything that comes to your mind. (:

Thanks for reading!
